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Germans are moving to Hungary by the thousands

Over the few years, the number of German pensioners living in Hungary has increased by 25%.
The German Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR) television reported on this phenomenon: more and more German citizens are choosing Hungary as their home, especially the area around the Lake Balaton.
The report includes two important questions:

1. What are the Hungarian real estate prices comparing the prices in Germany?
2. Why are more and more German citizens moving to our country?
What are the Hungarian real estate prices comparing the prices in Germany?
In Marcali (Somogy county), which is located 10 km away from the Lake Balaton, you can buy a residential property for EUR 49,000, according to the interviewed real estate agent. People can't even get a garage for this amount in Germany. According to his opinion, it is possible to live at a good standard of living in Hungary with EUR 800 per month.

Why are more and more German citizens moving to our country?
Many people do not feel at home - and safe - in Germany, especially since 2015 because of the refugee crisis. The figures can verify it: in Hungary, more than 14,700 German pensioners are registered who request the payment of their pension in Hungary. 5 years ago, it was still 11,700, which means that their number has increased by nearly 25% in a few years.
The report also stated that the Germans who settled in Hungary had already organized local groups ("Stammtisch" in German) in the Balaton area, in 20 settlements.

For Germans living in Hungary, the question of prices is still important, since inflation in Germany is already 25%, which is the highest one in Europe. The journalist made a test shopping: he paid a 13% lower price for the same products in Hungary than in Germany (an average shopping basket cost EUR 18.78 in Hungary, EUR 21.21 in Germany).

According to MDR, most Germans move to Switzerland and Austria, and although Hungary is not yet among the most popular emigration destinations, it is more and more preferred.

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