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Planned investments in 2021 in Hévíz

The spa town is planning significant investments for this year, which, according to the mayor, will serve the future and the success of the reopening.
Among the projects, the implementation of the contents of the transport project has already started. This part also includes the development of Vörösmarty Street, including the construction of a bicycle road and drainage system, further with a new green area. The city has got a total of 700 million HUF for this improvement.

Visual design: new touristical centre of the town (Hévíz Municipality)

Work has already begun at the current bus station, and if the contractors work there, the spa development program can start, for which one billion HUF are available.

With the complete redevelopment of the old bus station, the city center will be renewed and expanded: with an event space, a new Tourinform office, a bicycle center, a drinking hall, a babysitting service, rest areas and green spaces as well. The new bus station can be completed by the end of spring, and the spa destination development project can be completed by next December.

Visual design: market place (Hévíz Municipality)

The modernization of the market has also begun, and the work area has already been handed over to the contractor.

From the government support of more than 270 million HUF, a modern market area will be created that meets today's needs, with new buildings, a market hall and internal roads as well.

The Schulhof promenade will be beautified within the framework of a project from 700 million HUF. As a continuation of the Festetics promenade, the renewable public area will receive new lighting and will offer a number of new attractions for the visitors.

The budget of the new sports and event hall is 700 million HUF (state investment), the construction is planned for the next year. Also in 2021, the religious tourism project from 128 million HUF, called “Kultúrbarangolás in Hévíz” can be implemented, one of the most important elements of which is the Calvary planned for the part of the town called Egregy.

Source: www.zaol.hu (03.02.2021)
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